
The Embodiment Circle - Feeling Safe Enough to Be your True Self

Cohort #3 of this live online course starts soon on October 31st, 2024!

The 11 week course will be hosted by Thu Nguyen with a team of 10 guest facilitators.

Dates for 90 min zoom sessions (7-8:30pm EST)

Oct 31, Nov 7, 14, 21, 28 2024

Dec 5, 12, 19, 2024

Jan 16, 23, 30, 2025

This course/circle is now in its third iteration over the past 2 years. This one will be 11 weeks that will take us from the end of October to the end of January. What I’ve seen happen to both the participants and the guest facilitators over the past 2 years in intentionally spending time practicing tools that help us connect us to our best self is that we have more access to our naturally creative, resourceful and whole self. That has resulted in more curiosity, clarity, confidence, creativity, courage, calm and connection in everyone’s lives and practically, intentional actions and steps forwards towards living out our values and vision.

The embodiment circle was a launch pad for me on my transformation journey. It prepared me for my new role and developing a deeper awareness of self. I still use so many of the practices that we learned from the different sessions and practitioners and I still have my intention right next to my desk.

- Embodiment Circle Participant

For myself, this process of holding space for the Embodiment Circle has been life changing in becoming more and more authentic every year and building a community of heart centred warriors. It has also been complimentary with my deep dive as a TRE facilitator, Neuroscience and Relational Trauma coach, Trauma-sensitive HeartMath practitioner in understanding the Nervous System both from the research and practice sides. Deb Dana calls Polyvagal Theory the science of feeling safe enough to fall in love with life. And in my experience of befriending my nervous system, that statement rings truer than ever.

If you are ready right now to dedicate 90 min a week to slowing down, this is the course for you. The purpose of this virtual circle is to come together weekly for 10 weeks to practice connecting with our higher self within a polyvagal informed lens. You will spend it with like minded individuals who also want to practice slowing down and reconnecting with themselves.

Each week we focus on strengthening muscles of connection with our higher self. The sessions are hosted by Thu and she has enlisted the help of an incredible lineup of guest faculty who will share their embodiment practices, rituals and tools. We won’t just be talking about these topics, but engaging our head, hearts and hands to connect and embody our higher self in tangible and practical ways.

What you’ll get out of the course will be a chance to create a routine and personal practice of slowing down and reconnecting to your inner resources. The skills you learn and practice in the circle is in support of positive self-leadership and self regulation.

We hope to get acquainted with your higher self and inner children through this program!

Meet our Faculty

  • Thu Nguyen

    Trauma informed coach helping people navigate uncertainty & community builder.


  • Rebecca Sharp

    Scottish poet, playwright and interdisciplinary artist.


  • Chloe Chan

    Human potential advocate bringing neuroscience to the masses.


  • Sophie Dow

    Multidisciplinary creative, dancer, choreographer, musician, teacher


  • Stephanie Debou

    Teacher & practitioner of many forms of meditation, yoga and somatic based practices


  • erin feldman

    activist marketer and writing coach who is fascinated by the human condition, and centers the lens of equity, inclusion, and access


  • Chenny Xia

    Community care entrepreneur focused on equitable health. Design educator cause our world needs more empathy.


  • Shilbee Dhalla-Kim


  • Bela Shah



Look through our calendar to see what you’d like to attend.

How the circle started

This small group circle was created by Thu as an experiment with the Coralus (formerly SheEO) community of changemakers in Fall of 2022. The way it came together was full of serendipity, emergence and grace from idea to the weekly practices. The goal of the first Embodiment Circle - Connecting to your divinity to change the world was to create a safe container for participants connect with their inner resources and deepen their connection with each other. Thu wanted to create a structure where every participant could sample and experientially connect with their immense well of inner resources every week until that connection had strong roots by the end of the program. She invited her friends into the circle to share their practices as well and it became a sampler of a variety of head, heart and hands practices that participants could experience its benefits in the session and decide if they would add it to their tool box.

It was a deeply satisfying experience to witness incredible change makers make time in their busy schedules and honour their intention of slowing down once a week. They continued to show up and practice, week after week and there was a noticeable shift in energy, in courage and in wisdom.

Witnessing the tangible and positive shifts of clarity, confidence and connection in the first circle was inspiring. Also, it felt like the beginning of a beautiful community of both practitioners and facilitators who want to continue cultivating their connection of the qualities of our higher self. So here we are again, continuing the experiment and inviting you into our community of practice.

My curiosity in creating the structure and content for this third embodiment circle was to have a space where we could experientially activate a quality of our true self and be in it for every week, in community. Essentially, grounded within our window of tolerance, the ventral vagal part of our nervous system - in a state that we feel grounded, connected and ready to face any challenges. Where we thrive.

So this time around, I wanted to be more explicit in structuring this course around the nervous system and polyvagal theory so that one of the outcomes is that participants are more aware of their autonomic nervous system and have the vocabulary and tools available to regulate and befriend their nervous system as they engage in feeling safe enough to be their best self.

Program Cost

Full Program

Sliding Scale: $222-$444 CAD + HST

We meet every week for 11 weeks to experientially learn from different practitioners and practice connecting with our higher selves with practices for our mind, body and heart. It is a sliding scale model to ensure that the course is accessible to everyone who wants to participate and also sustainable. You can decide what amount to pay.

No matter what you choose to pay, everyone will have access to:

  • 11 - 90-min live sessions over zoom and access to the recordings

  • A digital workbook

  • Access to community chat group

  • Certificate of completion

Accessible: $222

For people who are not currently employed / precariously employed / low income. No savings; Limited access to self-care and self development opportunities.

Supporter: $333

For people who have stable employment and income; some savings; access to discretionary spending and pay for self-care and self development opportunities.

Partner: $444

For people who have financial stability, savings, access to self care and would like to pay it forward to support the continuation of this program, the facilitators and making the program sustainable.

Register for the course

Please fill out this form to enroll into Cohort 3 of the Embodiment Circle - Connecting to your higher self for peace.

We will meet weekly on zoom (11 weeks)

October 31, 2024 - Jan 30, 2025

Thursdays from 7:00pm-8:30pm EST

Sliding Scale $222-$444

Embodiment Circle Participant

“I'm surprised by the power of practicing - how energy can shift or clarity can be achieved through simple practices. A friendly inner space is what I need to navigate in the unknown. Walking with other interesting souls is another plus.”

Coralus Ventures Participant

“Thu creates space for our inner children to play and heal - a space that’s safe, self-led and fun!”