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Embodied Self Circle - Connecting to our Higher Self for Peace

This online course will start another cohort in October 2023.

The 10 week course will be facilitated by Thu Nguyen along with a team of embodied facilitators

We are in the final months of 2023. How are you making progress towards whats most important to you? There’s a zen proverb that goes something like this, if you don’t have time to meditate for 5 minutes, then meditate for an hour.

Do you want to cultivate peace? Have you had access to your intuition and creativity, inner genius before? Do you ever really get a chance to slow down, catch your breath and ask questions like: 

  • What would be gentle for me right now? 

  • What would be nourishing for me? 

  • What does my higher self want me to know?

If you are ready right now to dedicate 90 min a week to slowing down, this is the course for you. The purpose of this virtual circle is to come together weekly for 10 weeks to practice connecting with our higher self. You will spend it with like minded individuals who also want to practice slowing down and reconnecting with themselves.

Each week we focus on strengthening muscles of connection with our higher self: Clarity, Curiosity, Compassion, Confidence, Calm, Creativity, Confidence, Connection, Kindness and Gentleness. The sessions are hosted by Thu and she has enlisted the help of an incredible lineup of guest faculty who will share their embodiment practices, rituals and tools. We won’t just be talking about these topics, but engaging our head, hearts and hands to connect and embody our higher self in tangible and practical ways.

What you’ll get out of the course will be a chance to create a routine and personal practice of slowing down and reconnecting to your inner resources. The skills you learn and practice in the circle is in support of positive self-leadership and self regulation.

We hope to get acquainted with your higher self and inner children through this program!

Meet the Facilitators

  • Thu Nguyen

    Trauma informed coach helping people navigate uncertainty & community builder.


  • Rebecca Sharp

    Scottish poet, playwright and interdisciplinary artist.


  • Sonia Grossi

    Certified executive coach, trainer, facilitator and truth teller cultivating a world of true love & belonging


  • Chloe Chan

    Human potential advocate bringing neuroscience to the masses.


  • Sophie Dow

    Multidisciplinary creative, dancer, choreographer, musician, teacher


  • Stephanie Debou

    Teacher & practitioner of many forms of meditation, yoga and somatic based practices


  • erin feldman

    activist marketer and writing coach who is fascinated by the human condition, and centers the lens of equity, inclusion, and access


  • Chenny Xia

    Community care entrepreneur focused on equitable health. Design educator cause our world needs more empathy.


How the circle started

This small group circle was created by Thu as an experiment with the Coralus (formerly SheEO) community of changemakers in Fall of 2022. The way it came together was full of serendipity, emergence and grace from idea to the weekly practices. The goal of the first Embodiment Circle - Connecting to your divinity to change the world was to create a safe container for participants connect with their inner resources and deepen their connection with each other. Thu wanted to create a structure where every participant could sample and experientially connect with their immense well of inner resources every week until that connection had strong roots by the end of the program. She invited her friends into the circle to share their practices as well and it became a sampler of a variety of head, heart and hands practices that participants could experience its benefits in the session and decide if they would add it to their tool box.

It was a deeply satisfying experience to witness incredible change makers make time in their busy schedules and honour their intention of slowing down once a week. They continued to show up and practice, week after week and there was a noticeable shift in energy, in courage and in wisdom.

Witnessing the tangible and positive shifts of clarity, confidence and connection in the first circle was inspiring. Also, it felt like the beginning of a beautiful community of both practitioners and facilitators who want to continue cultivating their connection of the qualities of our higher self. So here we are again, continuing the experiment and inviting you into our community of practice.

Program Cost

Full Program

$500 CAD / $365 USD


We meet every week for 10 weeks to experientially learn and practice connecting with our higher selves with practices for our mind, body and heart. This full program price would allow us to compensate all the facilitators fairly for their work.

Register now for October 2023 - December 2023

Register for the course

Please fill out this form to enroll into Cohort 3 of the Embodiment Circle - Connecting to your higher self for peace.

We will meet weekly on zoom (10 weeks)

October 4, 2023 - December 6, 2023

Thursdays from 7:30pm-9pm EST

$500 CAD / $365 USD

Embodiment Circle Participant

“I'm surprised by the power of practicing - how energy can shift or clarity can be achieved through simple practices. A friendly inner space is what I need to navigate in the unknown. Walking with other interesting souls is another plus.”

Coralus Ventures Participant

“Thu creates space for our inner children to play and heal - a space that’s safe, self-led and fun!”