Thu is a trauma informed coach for the helpers.
She combines her lived experience in tech, trauma, burn out & chronic illness in the support of the helpers in the world — people whose life purpose is rooted in the service of people and the planet. Helpers are highly attuned to the needs of others and often mute the volume of the voice inside them. They take pride in their ability to fill other cups, lift others up until their own resources (time, money, health, happiness) run out. We need our helpers — their lifes’ work is of utmost importance, some might say, God's work.
Thu is a helper and has personally run out of all her resources in the service of helping companies, teams, entrepreneurs, family and friends reach their goals. When her body said no in 2009 with a near death experience, it would take a series of chronic illnesses (diabetes, cancer, asthma) over time to tell her to stop what she was doing and learn how to be in relationship with herself. She has spent over a decade, learning how to listen to her body and iterating through many frameworks of understanding the mind, the heart, the spirit and especially the body.
Get Acquainted With Yourself.
Thu holds space so that you can reconnect with your inner compass and inner resources so that you can be the change you want to see in the world, in skillful and regenerative ways.
Thu coaches conscientious and compassionate leaders through seasons of personal and professional transformation, holding the focus on their inner journey of self discovery, deepening their emotional, social, body intelligence and mental fitness.
Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises is a technique that releases stress or tension from the body that accumulate from every day circumstances of life, immediate or prolonged stressful situations or traumatic life experiences. Thu is a certified TRE facilitator and offers 1:1 and group classes virtually.
Thu hosts a free group meditation online every Wednesday at 7pm-8:30pm EST. The first hour provides space and flexibility for participants to connect within through their practice of choice: meditation, contemplation, prayer. And the last half hour is a chance for the group to read a passage together and share ah-ha moments.
Inner Compass Foundations
This course brings clarity to your life purpose, your deeply held beliefs, truths, values, vision and soulful longing. You will get connected the voices of your inner board of directors, saboteurs, sages. The objective is for you to get you acquainted with your inner compass and turn up the volume what’s really important to you.
There are 4 coaching sessions with Thu and weekly worksheets and journaling prompts. Choose your own pace.
Mental Fitness Program
This 6 week course is based on Shirzad Chamine’s Positive Intelligence program which helps establish a foundational practice of mental fitness. The objective of the program is to build three mental fitness muscles of: saboteur awareness, connection with sage and self command muscles. It consists of weekly instructional videos, a mobile app with guided practice and performance metrics, and pod check-in sessions with Thu is your guide.
“Thu possesses that rare combination of incredible gentleness and immense strength. From my first conversation with her I felt the genuine warmth of her care and compassion and I was immediately struck by her ability to impart wisdom with great kindness…She has put me onto a path of great healing; mind, body and spirit.”
Thu’s Experience
Executive Coaching
Completed Co-Active Professional Coaching Certification (CPCC)
Associate Certified Coach (ACC) through the International Coaching Federation (ICF)
Somatic, Stress, Trauma Practices
Medical Qi Gong Level 1 and 2 Therapist taught by Donna Oliver (curriculum by Professor Jerry Alan Johnson)
Certification in progress as a Provider of TRE® (Tension, Stress and Trauma Releasing Exercises created by Dr. David Bercelli) with Alex Greene and Ellen McKenzie
Completed the Gender Equity and Reconciliation course and currently part of a bi-weekly Heart Circle.
Certification in progress as a Positive Intelligence (PQ) coach.
Facilitator for monthly Kindness Kitchen Toronto, a community of 100+ volunteers who have served over 1000+ meals, creative (he)art and pay-it-forward activities in Moss Park. A collaboration with Building Roots.
Facilitator of Wednesdays, a weekly open invitation meditation circle since 2018
Co-host of Hammock Stories podcast, getting to know everyday heroes on a hammock.
Engineering & Startup Experience
B.A.Sc in Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo (2005)
Application Engineer in Marvell’s Emerging Wireless business unit that grew from $1M in 2005 to $500M in 2009
Part of TechStars Boston (Winter 2011) cohort for as part of team that created a personalized loyalty app called Loop
Part of Alchemist Accelerator (Class XV) as CEO/Co-Founder of Flowzo, a startup that enabled 5G internet access to college towns.
Part of early team at LogDNA (YC W15, $60M funding) as Head of Content Marketing and co-creator of company wide Pay-it-Forward program.