Wu Ji is a classical standing meditation posture and foundation for Tai Chi and Qi Gong. It means standing in the void or literally doing nothing - emptiness in any movement, thought or activity. Or in my own interpretation, standing like a tree - an ultimate state of relaxation.
When I first learned the practice, my teacher said to practice standing 1 min for 7 days, then 2 min for 7 days, then 3 min, etc. until I got to 20 min. And once I skip a day, say on the second week, just restart with 2 min again for the next 7 days. This was a year long endeavour for me and was so worth while so I wanted to extend this practice out to anybody that wants to do this too, for 22 days as a group, we would be at 3 min of standing a day should we make it through and do it together.
There’s many resources online that describe Wuji and here’s one of them: https://forevertaichi.com/2017/02/09/wuji-wu-chi-always/
So if you want to join along, the (free) challenge will start Sat Feb 1 and I’ll open the zoom for just 5 min - no need to video or to talk. We’ll just stand in the void and do nothing together for 1 min a day for 7 days, then 2 min a day for 7 days, then 3 min a day for 7 days, then wrap up with 4 min a day and decide if we should keep going. You can also sign up and never show up to the zoom as a way to start your own practice too.
Looking forward to what emerges from standing in the void - together.