What if you could hear the music that lives inside of you?

Nusqool is a sanctuary for helpers currently experiencing collapse who need to pause and learn how to listen to their body to move forward with clarity, courage and creativity

Who are we?

In August of 2020, Thu & Chris moved from Toronto, Ontario to an old school house in Mt. Horeb, Ontario. They have converted it into a space for creativity, authenticity and connecting to our true selves.

Thu Nguyen is a trauma informed somatic coach who draws on her transformative journey of complex trauma, chronic illness, burn out and serial entrepreneurship to support transformations in her clients. She dedicates her life in support of the helpers, the transitioners, the creators who are striving to become fully human and fully divine versions of themselves.

Chris Harris is an audio engineer who draws on 20+ years of experience making bass music and has recently graduated as Valedectorian from Harris Institute in 2023. He mixes and masters tunes for talented musicians of all genres, runs a music label and shows up for his community. He enjoys making audiobooks and podcasts for award winning content creators.

Work with Chris


Work with Thu


As seen in Toronto Life