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The Embodied Self Circle: Calm

The Power of Water

For this evening we will work with the simple, tranquil, and powerful element of water. The water element in our bodies is said to hold our deepest desires and unexpressed emotions, and carries with it a potent charge for transformation in our lives. Balancing the element of water in the body helps us to move from a frozen, fearful state, to a more fluid, calm, place of courage. When water is flowing freely, it knows no obstacles, no barriers. When it meets resistance, it simply carves a new path. Tonights practice will include a ritual with a warm beverage of your choice (Tea, water, hot cacao, etc.) and then we will take a meditative, watery journey through the energetic centres of your body (the Chakra’s), cleansing and clearing the path along the way, leaving the body, mind and spirit feeling refreshed and recharged, aligned, centered and calm.

About our Facilitator

Stephanie DeBou, now a full time Yoga and Meditation Teacher, is a former Advertising Executive and Entrepreneur of 15+ years. Her own personal Yoga journey spans a much larger time frame over decades and several countries, but it wasn't until 2017 that she finally gave up her corporate high heels, board rooms and ergonomic chairs in favour of bare feet, yoga mats and meditative cushions. Stephanie has received 500 hours of Formal Training in Yoga and Meditation, and hundreds more as she pursued her studies that lead her into additional training, retreats and workshops for Restorative Yoga, Pre and Post Natal Yoga, Functional Movement, Rope Wall, and Barre. She has also recently completed her Holistic Doula training. It was in her latest training however, to become a Fertility Yoga Specialist, that she encountered the wisdom of Energy Medicine under a Master Teacher. It was the perfect compliment to her Yin yoga and more meditative practices, helping her dive deeper into the Subtle Body, Energetics, and our connection to Self and Spirit. Now her classes are a unique combination of her varied background, all infused with the healing effects of quite literally "tapping" into our energy bodies. Stephanie teaches yoga and meditation to all levels, in studio, in private, online, on retreat, and in corporate settings. Stephanie's unique blend of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), Energy Medicine, Yoga and Meditation weave together in classes that are thoughtfully crafted, elegantly and compassionately delivered, and profoundly transformative. 

You can learn more about Stephanie here:

Join Stephanie live in person in Hamilton, Ontario or virtually at:

Join Stephanie for virtual guided meditations and retreats with the other Consciousness Explorer Club teachers every Monday night at 7:30pm EST (There's one coming up on Feb. 27). You can also find her free guided 35 minute meditations with a 10 minute introductory talk here:


This is our second month in a really special 3 month circle where we come together for weekly for 12 weeks to learn, cultivate and integrate practices that help us access and strengthen our connection to our higher self. Each week will focus on a characteristic of our higher self: Clarity, Curiosity, Compassion, Confidence, Calm, Creativity, Confidence, Connection, Kindness, Playfulness, Persistence and Patience.

With 3 months of weekly practice you will build a weekly habit of connecting with resourced parts of yourself and leave with new tools and rituals that you can integrate into your daily embodied life.

This 12 week program starts Thursday Feb 2th, 2023 - April 20th, 2023 at 7-8pm EST.

You can learn more about the series here.

March 9

The Embodied Self Circle: Compassion

March 23

The Embodied Self Circle: Reflection Circle